Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Endorsement go'round

Apparently the Chicks have been kinda busy and intent on ignoring the world while we are absorbed in the kindler, gentler world of knitting. Unfortunately, that world crashed down yesterday afternoon when I heard about the flap going 'round in Oshkosh blogland over the WCLC endorsements (see previous post). I just have a few short comments. Short, because if I start going on and get worked up about this again, LC1 will kill me and feed me to the cats for supper. Ha, I'd probably end up giving the cats the chirpy's after they eat. Anyhow....

It constantly amazes me when someone running for political office says that endorsements don't mean anything. Yet, the discussions and hand wringing over the endorsements and the press release associated with them makes me think that is not true. If WCLC endorsements are baseless and meaningless, then why are you whining about not getting endorsed? Hmmmm??????

Second comment about the process, then I'm done. No, WCLC did not send out questionaires to the candidates. Since OEA is a participant in WCLC, we based our endorsement on the questionaires and interviews that they did. This isn't the first time that the Labor Council has used the work done by our affiliates to assist in our endorsement process. Two AFSCME Council 24 locals regularly sponsor candidate forums for state offices. The council helps put the event together and helps get them on cable, but, the organization mostly done by Local 579 and 48. Many of the questions are pertinent to State Employees mixed with some general labor questions. However, the Labor Council endorsement is made based on those forums. Labor folk are busy with work, union work and trying to have a life. Sometimes we try to work together with our affiliates and other "friends" to all get to the same base.

So, if you're not a WCLC member or affiliate, don't whine about our process. If you are a candidate and didn't get endorsed, either ignore it and move on with your life...get over it.

'nuf said.....