Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The State Before Christmas

From another UW Oshkosh employee/WPEC member. Used with his permission.

T’was the week before Christmas and all through the State

All employees were leery - what would be our fate?

Labor contracts were hung, defeated again.

There was no more hope for a last minute bargain.

Months of negotiations have been thrown out the window

All those promises and concessions are now just hot air flow.

Union bosses and Dems wring their hands in defeat

as the new "conservative" group prepares to take their seat.

The State Employees Union and AFSCME and WPEC,

All hopes have been dashed by the governor-elect.

"More furloughs, no raises, higher premiums for health care,

you state employees must pay your fair share."

When will the people realize, we're not the ones to blame.

It's the folks down in Madison, regardless the letter by their name.

Republicrats and Demicans, wings of the same bird.

Neither can balance a budget no matter what you've heard.

We work for less pay in exchange for the promise

of being well cared for, that's part of the process.

Yes, our benefits are nice but our pay not so much.

We're not complaining, this isn't some crutch.

Like other employees we just make a living.

Why do the rest of you seem so unforgiving?

Sell the mansion, trim your staff,

combine with the Lieutenant - maybe each just needs half?

The budget problems are real but let’s douse this small blaze:

we've already gone two years with no raise.

The economy is down, everyone has suffered

except elected officials who are quite buffered.

They have no idea - it's really a crime.

Let them cut their pay and give back some this time.

What will they do if we all up and quit?

No, that won't happen - are you full of spit?

But tread very careful our governor to be,

or pitch forks and torches may cause you to flee.

No threats, no coercions, no we won't be mean.

'Cause you're up for re-election in two-thousand fourteen.

Now to end this little rhyme without any fight,

Happy Festivus to all and to all a Good Night.

(All rights reserved – reprint permitted with proper credit given.)

Daniel M. Hoyt